Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Front Bottoms :: music to live to.

For the past few years my life can be generally charted by the music that I listen to. There's music to laugh to, music to drive to, music to cry to, and music to dance to. Then there's music that you can live to. Those songs, or albums, or artists, that if your life had a soundtrack they would make the list.

One of these artists is the Front Bottoms. Their two boys from Jersey who make amazing, honest music. I first about these guys when my friends opened a show for them in Philly. All I knew was that their photo on the facebook even was sick, and they had a weird name. When I heard them, I knew I'd found a band that would be with me for a while.

Recently, (as in only a few days ago) the Front Bottoms' second album "Talon of the Hawk" was released. I've had it streaming constantly. It's energetic. It's both happy and angry and the same time. It's emotional. It's passionate. It's something everyone should listen to.

I'm so excited to be seeing them play a hometown show at Maxwell's in hoboken, New Jersey on the 31st.

so do yourself a favor and press play. If you don't like it that's fine, and if you love it, well that's just amazing.

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